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Chest Workout 10 Best Chest Exercises For Super Strength And Huge Pecs

Lean Muscle Gainer

Exercise your chest means exercising your pectoral muscles. Pectoral muscles or Pecs are the largest muscles responsible for chest shape in men. Pecs are supported by other smaller muscles in the chest. To develop them, you have to do a chest workout that will grow and train your chest muscles. Although there are a lot of exercises you can do on a chest day but here’s the list of best chest exercises that will help you to build muscles faster. You can also swap one or two of these exercises with your current chest routine to see the results. By following these exercises and having muscle gaining supplements you can achieve your desired chest in no time. Without further delay, here’s the list:

Barbell Bench Press

It is a popular exercise among bodybuilders for building muscle mass and strength. The reason to put it over the dumbbell bench press is that It is easier to balance the barbell than pressing the dumbbells. The Muscles that worked in the barbell bench press are the triceps, shoulders, and pecs(pectoral muscles). These are the main muscles that help you to press the bar in a vertical motion. Here’s how to perform this safely and efficiently.

How to do Barbell Bench Press:

  • Lie down straight on the bench with your feet flat on the ground so that you can see the bar directly over your eyes.
  • Grab the bar with the hands placed a little bit wider than the shoulder width. Keep your palms forward and don’t bend your wrists to hold the bar. Keep the wrists aligned with the back of your forearms.
  • Now lift the bar from the holder and hold it straight over your upper chest. It is the starting position.
  • Now take a deep breath and lower the bar slowly on your upper chest. Lowering it quickly will increase the risk of injury and also you will not get the full benefit of your workout.
  • When the bar starts to touch your upper chest, take a slight pause and Push the bar upwards in starting position while keeping your hands and wrists straight.
  • After reaching to starting position take an alight pause again and repeat the process.
  • While doing this, keep your lower back straight, don’t try to move it. If it’s hurting you can adjust the position of your feet.

Barbell Bench Press

Dips for Chest

Chest dips are usually performed on parallel bars. Chest Dips targets Pecs, triceps, and shoulder muscles. Dips help in developing your torso strength. Though it can be challenging for beginners, but is very effective in building muscles. Including Dips in your Chest Workout will help you a lot in building a strong chest. To do it effectively and safely follow these steps:

How to do Chest Dips:

  • Grab one bar with one hand and raise yourself while keeping your arms above your torso. Put your feet behind you.
  • Lean your body slightly forward then lower yourself slowly until your shoulders come just below the elbow. You will feel the stretch in your chest.
  • Once you feel stretched, move upward in starting position. Don’t lock the elbows, instead keep them slightly bent after reaching the starting position.
  • Squeeze your chest for 1 second, Repeat this motion, and don’t forget to lean your chest forward.
  • Once you get used to it, you can also increase the weight by wearing a weight belt.

Dips For Chest

Incline Dumbbell Bench press

It is used to increase chest size and strength. This exercise works out your upper chest and shoulder muscles and is also beneficial in correcting the strength imbalance between both sides of the body. Look at the following steps to perform it correctly.

How to do Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:

  • Lie on the bench inclined at a 45-degree angle with your feet firmly on the ground. Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands and put them a little above your chest while keeping your palms forward.
  • Press the dumbbells upwards to the top.
  • Now slowly lower the dumbbells back to starting position while maintaining tightness in your chest.
  • Repeat the steps.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Seated Pec Deck Machine

Pec deck is an effective exercise to strengthen chest muscles. It focuses on pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles that normally used by the body to swing and throw something. This exercise also strengthens shoulder blades. Here’s how you should do it:

How to do Seated Pec Deck Machine:

  • Sit on the platform with your back touch the back pad.
  • Hold the handles with your arms or place your forearms on the pec deck handles, it depends on the model you are using.
  • Now push both handles towards each other until they both come in front of your chest.
  • Then slowly release them back in starting position. Repeat the steps.

Seated Pec Deck Machine

Incline Cable Fly

This is the variation of cable chest flye. Incline cable flye target the upper pectoralis muscles. This exercise provides constant tension in the chest muscles. Check out the following steps to do it in the right manner.

How to do Incline Cable Fly:

  • Lay on the platform inclined at a 45-degree angle.
  • Grab the handles in each hand.
  • Now pull your hands slowly towards each other until both handles nearly touch each other.
  • Hold the position for a second then slowly release your hands back in starting position.
  • Repeat the process.

Incline Cable Fly
Tip: Avoid Handles hitting each other at peak contraction to keep constant tension on targeted muscles.

Close Grip Bench Press

The difference between a normal bench press and a close grip bench press is that in this we place our elbows and hands more closer. This usually targets our chest and triceps. The right way to perform the close grip bench press is :

How to do Close Grip Bench Press:

  • Load weight on the barbell as per your fitness level.
  • Lay down straight on the bench with your feet on the ground, hold the bar with a close grip.
  • Now lift the bar from the rack. You can take assistance if needed. Breathe in and slowly lowers the bar down to your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Breathe out and push the bar upwards using triceps muscles.
  • Repeat the steps.

How to do Close Grip Bench Press

PushUps for Chest Workout

Pushups are the most common exercise done by men. Pushups strengthen your chest, arms, and shoulders. You all know that there is no need for any equipment to perform a pushup and you can do it anywhere. Pushups activate 61 percent of your chest muscles. Although it is a very common exercise, most people do it wrong. So, to bring out the full results of pushups keep the following steps in mind before performing a pushup.

How to Perform a Pushup:

  • Position your palms on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders while keeping your legs straighten and curl your toes upward.
  • Keep your back straight and aligned with the neck.
  • Lower your body towards the floor.
  • After that push yourself in the upward direction with the help of your arms.
  • Repeat the process until you achieve your desired reps.

How to do Pushups for Chest

Incline Dumbbell Fly

Specific weights with different angles are the key to a well-rounded chest. An inclined dumbbell fly develops your upper chest that can’t be achieved by a flat bench fly. Incline dumbbell fly is the step further to work out for the upper muscles of the chest. Combining this exercise with other exercises will help you to get the most out of your chest workout.

How To Do Incline Dumbbell Fly:

  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and lay down on the 30-45 degree inclined bench with keeping your feet on the ground.
  • Put your head, back, and shoulder on the back pad of the bench. Position the dumbbells level with your chest with straight arms and slightly bent elbows. This will be the starting position.
  • Now inhale and Raise the dumbbells over your chest with palms facing each other.
  • When both dumbbells nearly start to touch, stop for a second and slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

How to do Incline Dumbbell Fly

Cable Cross Over

An intense chest workout is incomplete without Cable Cross over. It is performed on a cable pulley machine. It is a great and intense exercise as it stretches the chest muscles from the start.

How to do Cable Cross Over:

  • Stand in the center of the machine and Grab the pulley handles in each hand with your wrists facing the floor while keeping your arms straight and slightly bent elbow.
  • Be sure to keep your hands a little below your shoulders. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Slightly bend your torso and with the engaged core, pull down both the handles slowly across the body towards each other until one hand crosses over the other.
  • Then release the force with controlled movement and bring your hands to starting position.
  • Repeat the process.

How to do Cable Cross Over

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press:

With a flat bench dumbbell press, you can work more on the pec muscles as this exercise allows a long range of motion than a barbell press. The pecs and triceps are the primary muscles targeted in this exercise. Other than pecs and triceps, this exercise helps in developing strength and muscles in the entire torso.

How to do Flat Bench Dumbbell Press:

  • Lie on a flat bench with your back straight and dumbbells in each of your hands. Place your feet gently on the floor.
  • Now hold the dumbbells slightly wider than your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Bend your elbows at 90 degrees with your upper arms parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.
  • Now push the dumbbells up by straightening your arms in a direction that dumbbells meet each other at the center of your chest.
  • Hold for a second and then slowly lower the dumbbells back in starting position.
  • Repeat the process until your set is complete.

How to do Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

Supplements for chest growth:

By following the above-mentioned exercises, you’re surely going to make a huge, pecs popped chest. But you’re forgetting an important thing. Guess What? Nutrition. A Chest workout would never be complete without proper nutrition. Chest muscles aren’t supposed to grow without the raw material required to build muscles. To do that, you’ll need supplements to increase your muscle mass, strength, muscle tone, and fast recovery. The best way to fulfill all these requirements is to consume Deto Restore Kit and Lean Muscle Gainer (LMG Pro) kit. With Deto Restore Kit you can achieve great strength and muscle tone with a high recovery rate while Lean Muscle Gainer (LMG) strengthens cardiac muscles, prevents muscle cramps, and helps in developing muscle mass. Adding them to your diet will truly maximize your growth potential.

Read This article - Best 12 Exercises To Grow Bigger Arms Tone Your Bicep Triceps And Forearm Muscles


Q.1 Is 100 pushups a day good for the chest?

Ans.1 1 It depends on what level you’re on. If you’re a beginner then A total of 60 Push Ups in 3 sets is good also. But if you’re spending hours in a gym for a long time or if you’re a professional bodybuilder then maybe 100 pushups will not be enough for you to develop chest muscles. In that case, you’ve to increase the number of reps. However, 100 pushups a day are good for maintaining tightness and strength of chest muscles even for professionals.

Q.2 How often should we do a chest workout?

Ans.2 When you lift heavy weights, your muscle fibers break and need time to repair themselves. So, Resting for two days between the chest training is good for you to perform the exercise again.

Q.3 How many exercises should you include in your chest workout?

Ans.3 A series of 1-4 different chest exercises in a single training session is good. Variations in exercise help in developing all chest muscles. But it has noticed that more than 4 exercises may diminish results. If you’re a beginner, you can start with light weights but do at least 3-4 exercises on the chest day.

Q.4 Where are my pecs located?

Ans.4 Pectoral muscles or pecs connect our chest with the bones of our upper arm and shoulder. Pecs are located on the anterior chest wall. The pectoral region contains four muscles the pectoralis major( a thick fan-shaped muscle responsible for building the bulk of chest muscle), pectoralis minor( located beneath pectoralis major), serratus anterior, and subclavius.

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