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Find Out Now What Should You Do For Fast SIX PACK ABS AT HOME

Lean Muscle Gainer

Nowadays, everybody wants six-pack abs or simply aiming to achieve a healthy and fit body. According to some sources, there is a total of 201,000 average searches about “getting six-packs” per month. If you’re are one who also planning to get six packs then you need dedication and hard work in order to achieve your dream abs. But if you are thinking that you don’t have time to hit the gym all day and that’s why you can’t build abs then you’re wrong. I know there are some Myths about getting six-packs in which one of them is related to gym i.e. “The Only Way to get Good abs is to hit the GYM”. But in reality, you can achieve your six-packs while enjoying the comfort and privacy of your own home. Yes, you read it absolutely right. You can achieve your abs at home without using any complex machinery.

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Here are some tried and tested exercises to help you get started:

1. Straight Leg Raise:

Straight leg exercise not just helps you to gain abs but also helps to lose weight from the legs and lower abdomen which tones, and strengthens your muscles. It’s also beneficial for those who suffered from back and hip pain. It will improve your flexibility, enhances balance and stability.

How to Do:

Lie on your back on the floor with your hands by your sides or by your head. Keep your leg straight and raise them as high as you can, while keeping your feet together. Try to breathe in and out while lowering and uplifting your legs.

  • Do not try to lift your shoulders upward while exercising.
  • Try not to put pressure on the chest.
  • For beginners – 10 to 15
  • Intermediate – 25 to 50 reps
  • Do max 2 – 3 sets of this exercise during the day.

Straight Leg Raise for six-pack abs

2. Russian Twists:

Russian twists strengthen the core, oblique, and spine because it’s a total core exercise that builds stability in your spine, and trims your mid-section all at once. It helps in burning the excess side fat or love handles of your belly. If your goal is to develop six-pack abs Russian twists can support you greatly.

How to Do:

Sit on the floor holding a dumbbell or weight plate and bent your knee. Twist yourself from one side to the other side and then return to the main position. Try to keep your feet off the floor throughout the exercise.

Note: If you don’t have a dumbbell or any other equipment then you can do this exercise without using any equipment.

  • While Twisting, keep your arms parallel to the floor.
  • Try to engage your abdominal and back muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Maintain a straight spine, and avoid slump or sagging your spine.
  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 25 to 50 reps
  • Do max 2 – 3 sets of this exercise during the day.

Russian Twists for Six-Pack Abs

3. Mountain Climber:

Mountain Climber supports heart health and promotes functional fitness, reduces belly fat, and is highly efficient for joint and muscle groups.

How to Do:

Without letting your hips sag, start in a press-up position or full plank position with your core engaged. Draw one knee up and bring it across your body towards your opposite elbow and then return to the main position. Repeat with another leg now.

  • Try to straighten your hands and arms position from your shoulders.
  • Try not to arch or curve your back.
  • Your hips are not raised in the air.
  • For beginners – 10 to 15
  • Intermediate – 25 to 30
  • Do max 2 – 3 sets of this exercise during the day.

Mountain Climber Six-Pack Abs

3. Reverse Crunch:

Reverse Crunches strengthens your six-pack abs, targets other deep core muscles, and are less stressful for your back and neck.

How to Do:

Lie on the floor or mat with your knees together and bent it at 90-degree angle and keep your feet flat on the floor. Place your palms beside you. Now lift your hips in the air and pull your knees inward to your chest. Pause for 10-15 seconds and slowly lower your back down until you reach the ground.

  • Try to exercise slowly.
  • Push yourself into the ground with your hands to help you balance.
  • Your mid-back should stay in contact with the mat or ground while keeping your lower back and hip off the mat when you tuck yourself forward.
  • You should stop doing exercise if you feel sharp pain or any kind of discomfort in your back or anywhere else in the body.
  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 15 to 30
  • Do max 2 – 3 sets or more of this exercise as you get stronger.

Reverse Crunch

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4. Hardstyle Plank:

A hardstyle plank is much better than a normal or regular plank as it creates more tension than regular ones. Hardstyle plank can be held for a much shorter amount of time which maximizes the full body potential, strength and improves your posture and flexibility.

How to Do:

Lie on the floor while keeping your face down the floor. Start with the forearm plank position and make sure that your elbows are aligned underneath your shoulder. Your hands balled up in fists and your forearms should be parallel to one another. Hold for 15-30 seconds per set.

  • If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, try to avoid this exercise.
  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 15 to 20
  • Do max 3-6 sets of 60 seconds of this exercise during the day.

Hardstyle Plank

5. Bicycle Crunch:

Bicycle crunches give you visible results faster than you think. It improves your body posture, and using opposite arms and legs at the same time will improve coordination, reduce back pain. It is a highly effective exercise for six-pack abs.

How to Do:

Lie down on the ground with your lower back pressed to the ground. Pull your belly button towards your spine and place your hands behind your head. Bring your knees toward your chest. Now lift your shoulders off the ground and then straighten your right leg while turning up your upper body to the left. Bring your right elbow towards your left knee and now switch legs, do the same motion on another side.

  • Try not to pull your neck while twisting your torso to initiate your motion.
  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 15 to 20
  • Do max 3 sets of 10-12 reps of this exercise during the day.

Bicycle Crunch for lower abs

6. Bird Dog:

Bird Dog exercise targets the lower back, abdominals, gluteal muscles, and thigh muscles. It helps in reducing lower back pain and called is a safe exercise for the recovery of back injury.

How to Do:

Start this exercise in a table-top position. Now lift your one hand and the opposite knee just a 1-2 inch off the ground. Keep your weight centered while balancing the other hand and knee. When you are ready to move or feel steady on to a full range of motion. Point your one arm straight and extent your opposite leg behind. Form a straight line with your hand to your foot. Hold for few seconds, and then return your hands and knee in the previous or starting position. Try to raise your leg as high as you can do. Now switch to the other side and keep the abs engaged throughout the exercise.

  • Don’t rotate your pelvis while doing exercise.
  • Your shoulders will not be too close to your ears.
  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 10 to 30
  • Do max 3 sets of 10 reps of this exercise throughout the day.

Bird Dog for Core Strength

7. Star Plank:

Star Plank boosts mood, metabolism, reduces back pain, improves and balances body posture. Including Star Plank, in your six-pack, abs training will enhance bones and joint health, relieve stress, and strengthens your core.

How to Do:

Start with a Press-up position, form an x-shape by walking your hands and toes out and away from your body. Make a straight line from your head to toe. Hold for 30 seconds then return back to normal position.


• If you feel sharp pain while performing this exercise, stop immediately.

  • For beginners – 10 to 12
  • Intermediate – 10 to 30
  • Do max 3 sets of 10 reps of this exercise throughout the day.

Star Plank for Strong Core

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Bonus: Additional tips and exercises that will ease your journey to get abs.

1. Increase Your Daily Protein Intake

Increasing your protein intake can help you to promote fat loss around your belly and support muscle growth. Consuming protein after a workout helps in rebuild muscle tissues and aids muscle recovery.

According to two different studies, People who consume high-protein meals or who increased their daily protein intake by 15% decreased their calorie intake, increased feeling of fullness, and significantly decreasing their body weight and fat.

Lean Meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, poultry, nuts, seeds, and seafood are the healthiest high protein foods.

2. Stay Hydrated

Water plays important role in everything from waste removal to temperature regulation. Staying hydrated may boost your metabolism, burn more calories and extra belly fat which make it easier to get six-pack abs.

According to some studies and research drinking water after eating increases energy, reduce appetite and body weight.

3. Say No to Processed food

Processed Foods like chips, cookies, crackers, tinned Vegetables, cakes, pies, and pastries, etc contain high salt, sugar, and fat. Munching processed food instead of eating wholesome foods can increase weight, and increase your hunger pangs.

But eating whole food helps in reducing weight and promotes muscle growth, burn more calories, and boost metabolism. It takes more energy and time to digest whole foods that are rich in fiber and protein.

4. Eat More Fiber

Adding fiber-rich foods to your diet will speed up your way to get a set of six-pack abs. Vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are few high-fiber foods that you can add to your diet.

According to some researches and reviews, increasing fiber intake by 10-15 grams per day helps you to decrease around 10% calorie consumption and reduce 3% of body weight.

5. Do More Cardio and abdominal muscle exercises

Doing cardio and abdominal exercises in your regular workout routine help you to burn extra fat and make your abs more visible. Activities like running, walking, biking, swimming are some easy ways to fit cardio into your routine. Abdominal crunches, bridges, and planks are few popular exercises that can help you to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

According to 16 different studies and reviews, people who did more cardio and abdominal muscle exercises lost more belly fat and achieve stronger abs faster.

6. Try Herbal Supplements

If you are trying almost everything but get failed even after an intense workout and following a proper diet. Then try to add some herbal supplements to your diet which may help you to get chiseled abs.

There are so many options available on our sites which include fat burner, muscle gainer, testosterone booster, etc. All these supplements are plant-based which have quick and best results with a safety profile.

So, these few tips and exercises that are mentioned above in this article may help you to boost the fat breakdown process, improve your overall health and helps to achieve your chiseled six-pack abs.

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