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The Testosterone Booster Kit is a premium multiaction nonhormonal solution designed to provide an instant and sustained energy boost enhance physical and mental endurance and improve the functioning of all body organs and muscles With natural ingredients and essential minerals it is ideal for those who suffer from muscular fatigue low energy levels and lack of sustained endurance for any kind of activity

    15 Reviews


You Pay: ₹2860.00




(Teston Pro capsules + Detomin Pro capsules)

A premium most complete multi action non hormonal testosterone and sustained vitality booster kit

Key Features and Benefits

  • Non hormonal, stimulates production of natural testosterone

  • Instant and sustained energy levels

  • Enhances physical & mental endurance

  • Provides all essential minerals to the body

  • Improves oxygen carrying capacity of the blood

  • Relaxes mind and body for performance boost

  • Improves functioning of all body organs and muscles

  • Ensures sustained vigor and vitality all day long

  • Stimulates and enhance libido

  • Enhances stamina and performance endurance

Key Ingredients


  • Makardhwaj ( Inorganic Tonic Increases RBC)

  • Piper Longum (Improves Bio availability)

  • Tribulus Terrestris (Anabolic, Testosterone Booster, Energizer)

  • Engessia Caryophlus ( Rich Source Of Vit A,C,E,K Thiamine, Niacin Etc)

  • Saffron (Stimulant, Rich Source Of Vit A, C, B6 & Iron)

  • Anacyclus Pyrethrum (Boosts Testosterone Levels)

  • Mucuna Prurlens (Enhances Testosterone Release)

  • Asparagus Adscendens (Anabolic, Body Building Action)

  • Asparagus Recemosus (Nutritive, Enhances Stamina)

  • Asphaltum (Rich Essential Mineral Supplement)

  • Trivang Calcinated (Improves Potency)

  • Iron Calcinated (Improves Vigor & Vitality)

Recommended Usage

One capsule from each bottle morning and evening with meals is recommended for a period of 4 week to 12 weeks depending up individual needs.

The combination of two capsules finds tremendous use in

  1. Muscular fatigue, lack of optimum strength & stamina, low energy levels, lack of sustained endurance for any kind of physical mental or pleasure activity, breathlessness.
  2. Very useful in erectile dysfunction and lack of stamina for sustained sexual performance.

Detonutrition's testosterone booster kit isn't just for those with low testosterone. It can also benefit active individuals looking to amplify their energy levels for enhanced stamina, optimize performance, and boost endurance during physical activity, mental challenges, and even intimate encounters. Additionally, it can help build muscle tone and strength, improve blood circulation, and potentially enhance nerve function.

What Our

Customers Says


GajendraVerified Buyer

Game-Changer for Strength and Energy!

This Testosterone Booster is a game-changer for me! Not only has it significantly improved my strength and energy levels, but it has also boosted my motivation to crush my workouts. I can feel the difference in my performance, and I'm seeing impressive gains in muscle mass. Highly recommend this product for anyone looking to take their fitness journey to the next level!


GaneshVerified Buyer

Enhanced Focus and Drive

Since starting this Testosterone Booster, I've experienced enhanced focus and drive like never before. It's like I have an extra edge during my workouts, and it has translated into better results. My recovery time has improved, and I feel more motivated to push through challenging training sessions. A fantastic supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike!


GauravVerified Buyer

Quality Ingredients, Quality Results

I am impressed with the quality of ingredients in this Testosterone Booster. It's evident that Detonutrition prioritizes effectiveness and safety. The results speak for themselves - increased muscle mass, improved endurance, and a positive impact on my overall well-being. I'm thrilled with the progress I've made since incorporating this supplement into my regimen.


AkhileshVerified Buyer

Boosted Confidence and Vitality

This Testosterone Booster has done wonders for my confidence and vitality. I feel more energetic and vibrant throughout the day, and it has positively affected my mood. My workouts have become more productive, and I'm breaking personal records. I couldn't be happier with the results. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to revitalize their fitness journey!


AmanVerified Buyer

Effective and Safe

I was hesitant about trying a Testosterone Booster, but this product has exceeded my expectations. It has provided effective results without any negative side effects. The ingredients are well-researched and safe, giving me peace of mind while using it. I've seen significant gains in strength and muscle mass. A reliable supplement that I plan to continue using.


ApoorvaVerified Buyer

Improved Performance and Recovery

This Testosterone Booster has significantly improved my athletic performance and recovery time. I'm able to push harder during workouts and recover faster for the next session. It's like my body has found a new level of resilience. The gains I've achieved since using this supplement have been remarkable. Definitely a worthwhile investment!


BalrajVerified Buyer

Boosted Libido and Vitality

I started using this Testosterone Booster to address low energy levels and a decreased libido. It's been a game-changer! My energy has soared, and my libido is back to what it used to be. I feel more alive and engaged in both my personal life and fitness pursuits. I highly recommend this product for anyone experiencing similar issues.


BhushanVerified Buyer

Quick Results, Great Investment

Within just a few weeks of using this Testosterone Booster, I noticed significant improvements in my strength and muscle definition. It's incredible how fast it has worked for me. The investment is worth every penny, considering the remarkable progress I've made. I'm excited to see how much further I can go with this supplement.


BhupendraVerified Buyer

Increased Stamina and Endurance

This Testosterone Booster has provided me with the stamina and endurance I needed to excel in my workouts. I'm able to push through intense training sessions without feeling fatigued. The difference in my performance is remarkable, and I credit it to this fantastic supplement. I can't recommend it enough!


DeepakVerified Buyer

Confidence and Muscle Growth

As someone who struggled with self-confidence, this Testosterone Booster has been a game-changer. Not only has it increased my muscle growth and strength, but it has also given me a sense of empowerment. I feel more confident in and out of the gym, and it's reflected in my progress. I'm grateful for this supplement and the positive impact it has had on my life


DikshitVerified Buyer

Support for Intense Workouts

I engage in intense workouts regularly, and this Testosterone Booster has provided me with the support I needed. It enhances my performance and ensures I recover well after each session. I've seen consistent gains in muscle mass and strength, and I attribute a significant part of it to this supplement. It's become a staple in my fitness routine!


AaravVerified Buyer

Better Focus and Drive

This Testosterone Booster has helped me stay focused and driven during my workouts. I used to struggle with distractions, but now I'm able to stay in the zone and make the most of my training. The boost in my motivation has been incredible, and I've seen noticeable improvements in my strength and performance. It's been a game-changer for my fitness journey.


AdityaVerified Buyer

Revitalized Energy and Motivation

I've been using this Testosterone Booster for a few months, and I can't believe the difference it has made. My energy levels are through the roof, and my motivation to hit the gym is at an all-time high. I'm smashing my fitness goals and feeling more confident than ever before. I am incredibly pleased with the results and highly recommend this supplement to anyone seeking a boost in their fitness journey.


KabirVerified Buyer

Revived Intimacy and Connection

This Testosterone Booster not only improved my performance in the gym but also revitalized my intimacy and sex life. As I entered my 40s, I noticed a decline in my libido and energy levels. However, since incorporating this supplement into my daily routine, I've experienced a significant boost in my sex drive, stamina, and overall vitality. It has strengthened my connection with my partner and brought back the spark we once had. I'm incredibly grateful for this product and the positive impact it has had on both my fitness and personal life.


DhruvVerified Buyer

Enhanced Confidence in the Bedroom

I decided to try this Testosterone Booster after reading about its potential benefits for reproductive health. It's been a life-changer! Not only did it help me gain lean muscle and improve my athletic performance, but it also played a significant role in enhancing my confidence in the bedroom. I feel more virile and energetic, and my partner has noticed the positive changes too. This supplement has exceeded my expectations and has given me the boost I needed to feel like my best self, both inside and outside the gym. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to improve their sex life while pursuing their fitness goals

Invest in your loved ones' health today,
because a healthier you means a happier, stronger family!

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