The liver is considered an important and largest organ in our body. It helps in detoxifying the blood, repairing cells, and storing energy. The liver produces bile juice and filters blood that comes from the digestive tract. Liver also stores energy and provides it to the body when needed. But due to our unhealthy eating habits, the liver is unable to perform its main three functions - detox, digestion, and storing which can cause serious health problems in our bodies. In order to maintain the performance of the liver, we can use liver cleanse supplements. These supplements incredibly increase the overall functioning of the liver by protecting it against liver diseases. Liver support supplements remove toxins from the liver and support regenerating liver cells faster.
A healthy liver is key to provide energy to other organs of our body. It does so by digesting essential nutrients and eliminating toxins from the body. However, some factors like alcohol, environmental pollution, processed food, and toxic body products may damage our liver. So, to protect the liver and maintaining its health use liver support supplements. As the affected liver may cause skin irritation, fatigue, weakening of muscles, lack of energy, slow reaction, mental stress, etc.
1. Liver cleanse and detox supplements contain antioxidant properties that prevent liver damage from free radicals and protect liver from the harmful effects of chemicals, drugs, toxins, pollutants, alcohol, steroids, etc.
2. These supplements stimulate overall liver functioning and ensure the secretion of bile for proper digestion and absorption.
3. Cleanse supplements remove toxins from the liver and boost the storing of glycogen which prevents fatigue. Therefore, increase energy in the body.
4. It enhances the regeneration of liver cells and improves metabolism.
5. Liver support supplements help the liver in improving the quality of skin and production of bile in the body that is responsible for the breakdown of fat in the body.
6. It promotes the anti-oxidative capacity of the liver and also prevents fatty liver.
Detonutrition deals with a variety of liver support supplements and kits. Whatever product you are buying, just consuming 1 capsule in the morning and evening after meals will be enough for good health.
It is also known as Manjishta. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it prevents liver cells from damage and also reduces the level of elevated liver enzymes in the blood.
It is one of the ancient herbs used in liver medicines. It has anti-tumorigenic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and Hepatoprotective properties that help in alcoholic liver diseases.
Due to its Hepatoprotective nature, it has been used in Asian countries for the treatment of medical disorders such as Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
Curcumin present in Curcuma Longa Is very beneficial for Liver Diseases and is widely used for Liver Treatment.
It is also known as Neem and has been used as a blood purifier in Ayurveda for many years. Its anti-oxidant properties help in preventing liver diseases.
Here, we point out some of the most common reasons for liver diseases
• Excess consumption of alcohol
• Immune system-related diseases
• Excess fat in the body
• Genetic conditions
• nausea and vomiting
• decreased appetite
• dark urine
• yellow skin and eyes (jaundice)
• swollen legs and ankles
• ongoing fatigue
• itchy skin
Following are the Tips to Avoid a Toxic Liver:
1. Being overweight increases the risk of fatty liver. So, manage your weight.
2. Limit the consumption of alcohol and other harmful chemicals as these chemicals damage our liver badly.
3. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.
4. Work out daily if you can. It will increase your blood circulation and metabolism.
5. Avoid using used needles while injecting and avoid contact with other people’s blood.
Ans.1 Liver Detox supplements are natural alternatives to protect the liver and enhance its functionality. These can be useful for the following groups of people:
• People following an unhealthy diet and lifestyle
• Patients suffering from Liver Toxicity or working in a Toxic Environment
• People having high liver enzymes
• Those who have indulged in everyday routine
Ans.2 The Liver plays an important role in the breakdown of fats in our body. When the process of breaking down the fats is disturbed inside the body, the fat can accumulate in the liver in large amounts resulting in a Fatty Liver. Common causes of fatty liver are poor diet, Certain medications, Liver Diseases, and Toxins.
Our Trivlin Capsules product is a strong liver detoxifier that boosts metabolism and improves the overall functioning of the liver that prevents fatty liver.
Ans.3 Liver Detox is a cleansing process that is used to flush out toxins from our body to improve our digestive system and health. You can detox your liver with the help of our liver support supplements and following a healthy diet.
Ans.4 It is dark green and yellowish fluid produces by the liver for digestion and absorption of fats and vitamins. It is stored in the gallbladder in our body. It prevents constipation and eliminates waste products from our bodies. It is very essential for the proper functioning of the liver.
Ans.5 Ingredients used in Detonutrition’s Trivlin Capsules are totally safe and beneficial for your liver. But if you are allergic to a specific ingredient then it is recommended to read all ingredients mentioned on our product and consult a doctor before consuming it.
Ans.6 We recommend one capsule morning and evening after meals as it is safe, effective, and tested. If you want to take more than the recommended dosage you should discuss it with your healthcare provider.
Ans.7 As mentioned above, the liver saves energy in the form of glycogens and uses it when needed. But if the liver is damaged or not storing glucose then there is no energy stored which results in fatigue.